Questions & Answers

What components do I need for a 2011 Audi A5 with a manual trans?

0 votes

Hey Guys.... Been trying to figure out what exactly I need for my car and it's a little confusing. I think I have it figured out and just need a confirmation before I buy!

I have a 2011 Audi A5 with a manual. If I understand the terminology correct, I believe it is a key port version (FOB into dash and push that to start). I DO NOT have a key to sacrifice.

I think I need:

  • EVO-ALL (key port version)
  • T-Harness (to avoid hacking wiring, correct?)
  • FlashLink Updater (to program keyless?)
  • Evo 9 Series Remote (to start far away)

Is there anything else I would need?

Thanks... looking forward to a nice install and a great system by all reviews!!!


asked Feb 17, 2020 in Audi by Ken Stevens (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Since it's manual transmission, you need an EVO-ONE, not an evo-all.

The t-harness covers 80% of the wired connections. Other physical connections are required.
answered Feb 17, 2020 by Robert T (304,010 points)

Thanks for the answer, but it's still confusing then....

If you look at page 4 of the Evo-All ( Guide# 77151 Rev: 20180611) THAR-AUD1 Instalation guide, it shows a manual transmission configuration.

So that's not right?

Was I correct on the Updater and Evo9 portions regardless of the main system?

You will also notice that in that guide, there is a separate remote starter unit. In that type of install, the evo is only being used for immobilizer bypass only. The clutch bypass and manual transmission safety, is manged by the remote starter.


EVO-ONE + thar-aud1 + Flash Link + 9 series is the way to go for manual transmission.