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I promise this will be it from me regarding questions!  I wanted to quickly update you on a chat I had with an installer today, and they said for a VW 2011 TIG w/ PTS they have used a VW1 harness and referenced GUIDE #65501.  I found it interesting that it shows PTS TIGS dated 2012 - 2017 too, which the tech speculated was probably the first year in Canada the PTS came out.  This guide only comes up on your search tool if I enter a 2014 VW TIG w/ PTS too, but I can imagine keeping all this data linked up and straight is tough enough.

Here is my last question:  To eliminate complexity on more unknowns I am going to just leave a valet key with chip in the vehicle vs fooling around with programming a TB-VW on an unknown config using Decrypter.  What I can not undertand is why GUIDE #65501 depicts NOT SPLICING into the OEM transponder wire, and just wrapping the key and the detector on the column with the wire loop coming off the EVO-ALL harness.  How will this solution not make the vehicle think there is ALWAYS a key in range for a manul start no matter what??  Is the trick to place the looped key a certain distance AWAY from the steering column OEM transponder so it can not pick it up?  This one confused me, since this manual specifically states not to cut into the OEM transponder wire like every other Fortin install I have read.

I want to also thank you for all your help!  Truly a great resource.
asked Dec 4, 2019 in Volkswagen by Rick Whitfield (390 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Im not rob but he is pretty smart .... but in regards to the key wrap part of your question. Short answer is no, the key wrap is only energized when the vehicle is remote started, otherwise the loop is "open" and the vehicle does not see the key because the batteries are removed from it.

Of course, this is all just for fun, since we do not list your vehicle and as rob stated in the previous thread you are trying this at your own risk.
answered Dec 4, 2019 by derek g (358,230 points)
selected Dec 4, 2019 by Robert T
transponder cut does not work well on some cars.


Conventional key wrap and loops around transpondeur required.