Questions & Answers

evo one won't program on 2013 toyota tacoma stays on red light only, doesn't flash

0 votes
Light stays red and won't start to blink.  All wires are wired and have most recent firmware on bypass and remote side.  Vehicle stays running with connectors in place, won't run if connectors are removed.  So wires are passing data through.  Just can't program using both original keys.
asked May 26, 2018 in Toyota by Doogey (130 points)
edited May 26, 2018 by Doogey

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the service number to the module?

Also what guide number are you following? First page upper right hand corner will have the guide number.
answered May 28, 2018 by derek g (358,230 points)
Service \# is 002807 239645, guide # is19621 for G key
If you unplug the red connector does the car still start with the key?


The key you are using is it the black G-Key?


It can take up to 60 seconds for the light to start flashing sometimes. Did you try waiting?
Yep using the 2 factory keys labeled G on them,yes the black ones. I tried disconnecting the red connector to unit and truck will only crank. I did wait 10 minutes for unit to flash
You only need one key to prgram the unit. On the key itself is their a G stamped on it?

Also make sure you are plugging in all the other connectors before powering up the unit to program.
Did all that, the directions explains to hook the 2 connectors. Just no luck on the units reacting to programming.
Also thanks for helping me out trying to figure this out. Not sure if the yellow loop should be cut. I did try both ways. It an automatic but this guide reflects no cut while other shows to cut on transmission.
yes the loop needs to be cut for auto trans but that wont prevent programming.


I think it would be easiest if you called tech support at 1-877-336-7797 so we can go over the instal with you in the vehicle.
K, will give them a call. Thanks for attempting