Questions & Answers

Compustar T11 Pro abnormalities

+2 votes
This isnt a question. This is meant as a tool for anyone who experienced the same problems as myself with no real correct answers to be found online. I recently installled and had issues with using the compustar t11 pro rf kit with my evo-one.

When using the valet switch and RF remote to program functions and options the following button mapping is correct:

Lock: 1

unlock: 2

start: 3

trunk: 4


Also when I orginally purchased the T11 pro the two-way remote that came with the kit did not function correctly, which Compustar quickly remedied. However when programming the new remotes(2wt11r-ss, 1wg8r-ss) to the evo-one with the newest firmware installed I had to press the trunk button on both remotes w/ a 2.5 second hold to get them to register with the evo-one.


All the strange button mapping aside. Lock/Unlock/remote start/etc, two-way functions, and vehicle temperature reading on the remote all function normally.
asked Jan 6, 2017 in FAQ by Matthew Scott (660 points)
edited Feb 6, 2017 by Matthew Scott

2 Answers

+1 vote
Thank you for the information Matthew it is greatly appreciated!
answered Jan 6, 2017 by derek g (357,980 points)
0 votes
Thanks also from me, I am looking for info on using the T11 and Evo One and found your post via a web search. You answered the temperature question I had. Does the remote also show the vehicle's voltage as well?
answered Aug 20, 2018 by Paul Caraccount (550 points)
How did compustar help you, please describe what they did when you say "the kit did not function correctly, which compustar quickly remedied"   i am having the same issue you described as tilt alarm anytime i lock and the remote acts like a 1 way remote which is all exactly what you described in the other post you made on here.


Also, i have tried several times to use the trunk button with no sucess.  i had read this posting you made and these had led to my decision to purchase a T11 Pro because of your claim it works  but i need you to please describe in better detail how they helped you and what the exact procedure is please.
also any help from fortin would be very much appreciated   this website feature is leading people to make a purchase because of these claims that the systems interface together which fortin is acknowledging in comment.


if fortin is not supporting this then these claims here on fortins website shoudl be removed because they are costly and misleading to customers .....please assist.