Questions & Answers

2014 Toyota Tundra Step 4 flash once and lights cut off.

+2 votes
toyota tundra 2014 steps 1-3 work stops a step 4. When the program button is pressed 2x blue/red lights flash once then no lights. Try to turn the key to on and no lights still. Try pressing the program lights on again and no lights.
asked Sep 24, 2016 in Toyota by roy tims (200 points)
edited Sep 24, 2016 by roy tims

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
First, make sure you are not using a valet key and the key you are using has a G stamped on it.

Next, verify that the yellow wire is hooked up to ignition. This should only have 12 volts when the key is in the on position.

You could also try a master reset as shown here:


If it still isn't working try re-flashing the module with the latest firmware.
answered Sep 26, 2016 by derek g (357,930 points)
selected Sep 26, 2016 by Robert T

Not by the answer above. All wires were in the right place but one. on the T harness there looks to be two pink wires one hot pink and the other a lighter pink. I had the hot pink T tap in with the yellow wire. By switchiong the yellow wire to the lighter pink I was able to program and start up the truck with the 3x lock and the mobile drone.
Glad to see you figured it out...Turns out it was the second suggestion I had put...That darn yellow wire!!