Questions & Answers

2010 FX35 needs to be restarted after remote start

0 votes

 I've bought a car with remote (I'm assuming forting evo is installed by prev. owner)

After remote start launch (by pressing 3 times on oem fob) car is starting, but when you getting in the car in put gear in Drive mode, steering wheel is blocked and does not allow you to unlock untill you have to shutoff the engine and start normally. Also when you opening a trunk cart shuts off as well (on remote start).

Please help!! ANy ideas?
asked Feb 18, 2016 in Infiniti by S M (200 points)

3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
Need the service number.

On all Push-to-start nissan/infiniti vehicles, every Fortin bypass module and remote start will shut down the vehicle when the door is opened if the vehicle was not unlocked. This will also happen with the trunk. This is only done for security reasons. If you do not want the vheicle to shut down while opening the trunk, press unlock first.

The steering wheel should not stay locked. The installation needs to be verified. At least to get a better idea of what exactly is installed and how it's installed...
answered Feb 19, 2016 by Robert T (304,010 points)
selected Feb 22, 2016 by S M
0 votes
What is the service number to the module?
answered Feb 18, 2016 by derek g (357,930 points)
I don't know.
Kinda of hard to troubleshoot an issue with out any information as to how the module is flashed, set up and installed...

What product is it and how was it installed?
well, I know. but I'm asking in general. I believe same troubleshoot steps applies to all Fortin editions
no specific vehicles require specific options settings and firmware.

If your steering is locked maybe the steering lock connection is bad if its a push to start?

Maybe tumblre sense and key sense has a bad connection if its a key model?
0 votes
After getting in the vehicle, press twice on the push to start button before pressing the brake.
answered Feb 20, 2016 by Robert T (85,210 points)
will try later. thanks