Questions & Answers

2006 honda ridgeline evo all compustar 800cs wont start

0 votes
Hello hooked up evo all and compustar cs800 with data link and with tachless option and unit would start on second attempt all the time.had dealer switch option 2-4 to tach sense as manual recommends this.Now unit wont start.Progamming tach says ok 1 flash but when starting get 3 fashes then one which say vehicle is running or bad tach proper blue lites when programming evo all. Any idea why vehicle dosent want to start. Stumped please help.
asked Nov 5, 2014 in Honda by Guy Ricard (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Guy,

If i look a the Compu support section about their light flashes, 3 flashes is
answered Nov 5, 2014 by Robert T (304,010 points)
Flashes are 3 then one when key is pushed not 3 then 3 which states vehicle is running and its not thanks for any help.
Instead of using datalink, try wiring remote starter tach input to the tach ouput of the EVO directly and reprogram.
To add to the above. The CS/CM800 seems to not have a selectable datalink protocol. Meaning the the Compustar and the EVO are most likely not talking the same language over datalink. This would definitly cause no start issues. The EVO can be set to any of the 3 major datalink protocols: Fortin, D2D, and AP-OFA datalink. It would need to be set to OP-OFA in this case.

Wire-to-Wire instead of datalink is also an option if you do not have access to the flash-link updater.