Questions & Answers

Idatastart HCX000A + evo start 2

0 votes
Hi, Fortin Technical Support.

I bought Evo Start 2 mobile antenna and I want to program to Idatastart HCX000A module with Idatastart ADS-THR-MA3 T-harness, but I can't find any information or procedures about it. Please, could you explain to me how should I do that?

Thank You
posté Oct 16, 2019 dans la catégorie Mazda par Marcin Malocha (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
We test Fortin products with Fortin products.


You will need to contact Idata in regards to making that work, as we have no documentation for making it work with competitors products.


Best Regards.
répondu Oct 16, 2019 par derek g (335,890 points)