Questions & Answers

My evo Nist1 flashes blue LED and won't start

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I installed evo all nist1. For my Nissan Maxima 2013. Now the Module flashes blue LED with lock button. But still no luck the car won't start. Every thing is installed well and even programmed. Does anyone know? What is the problem? Can anyone help me get a solution!! thanks...
posté Avr 20, 2017 dans la catégorie Nissan par Nihad Surchi (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the service number to the module?

Was option C1 and D1 enabled?
répondu Avr 20, 2017 par derek g (357,630 points)
Service #:  001A06692165

this is module Service number.

But what is the Option C1 and D1 ?? How to enable them??
Looking at the service number the options to make your car remote start by pressing lock 3 times are not on.

You will need the flas link updater2 to turn these options on.

Using the flash link updater2 enabled options C1 and D1 for 3x lock to start.
Omg! I purchased this Evo-all and waited for a month. I thought it doesn't need anything else. Then i have to buy another Goddamn thing such a flash-link.

I programmed the Module with Yellow LED and All Lights alternated Done as well.

now I didn't get anything. What if i buy flash-link and Enable C1 D1 and what if won't work with 3X lock ? Would you guarantee it?
The flash link is listed as a required accessory when you look your car up on our website:

This product will work 100% as long as it is installed, configured and programmed correctly.

Professional installation is always recommended to ensure proper functionality of the product.
Okay I'll buy the flash-link updater2.

Thanks for helping Mr. Derek
No problem Nihad.


A test to prove it is not set up for 3x lock start.

ground the dark blue wire on the 20 pin connector. If the red led turns on then you need the flash link updater2.
Then what if red LED won't turn on ? What am I supposed to do? Mr. derek

... and in addition. My final question: first time I installed The evo without guidance i connected T harness brown wire to the brown wire of barrel switch. Unfortunately burned my Start engition button but i replaced with new one. After all i connected black/white wire to the barrel brown wire and I reset it. Finally I got blue led with 3x button. that I told you first.

now do i have any other problems with my module?

Then you did not connect everything properly as you stated in the beginning of this post, The brown wire is not shown to be connected to the PTS button in the guide. It is a POSITIVE parking light output wire.


There is only ONE wire that you needed to connect properly in order to be able to remote start this vehicle (correct options need to be enabled) which is the White/Black Pin A19.

Please also set the necessary optons for standalone use, C1 and D1 to ON as you can see here the options tab has not been accessed yet.

Please select the correct vehicle and set the options using the Flashlink Updater-2 (sold separately)


If the red led does not turn on then furhter troubleshooting may be required. If at anytime you have furhter question please do not hesitate to call us toll free at: 1877-336-7797
Thank you so much For your tiredness. I actually got great answers from you.