Questions & Answers

Security light flashes constantly while driving

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I have just installed an EVO-All CHR with THAR-CHR5 on my 2015 Wrangler. I've remote started the car successfully but After taking over with the key and pressing the brake, the security light flashes constantly while driving the whole until the vehicle is shut off and restarted. Why is that?
posté Dec 5, 2016 dans la catégorie Jeep par Bill Chong2 (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the service number to the module that is installed?

What are all the connections made in the vehicle from the evo to the car?
répondu Dec 5, 2016 par derek g (357,630 points)
I don't have the service number since it's installed in vehicle but as far as the wires, zi have connected the 4 pin black connector, 20 pin white, 5 pins red and 5 pins white plus jumper the purple and yellow wires to red/green and yellow.  The stranges thing is today, the security light is staying on the whole time instead of flashing.
ok when you have a chance send off that service number and I will take a look inside the module see what's going on.

Also what is the guide number that you followed?