Questions & Answers

Park lights flash 4 times, but sante fe will not start

0 votes
Purchased a pre-owned 2010 sante fe.  It came with a Fortin remote start keyfob.  When fob's remote start button is depressed, the park lights flash 4 times, but vehicle will not start.  Lock/Unlock functions are ok.

I have no manual for this, so I do not know what the flashing lights are indicating.  No service companies in Calgary (so far) are able to help me with this.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


posté Jan 7, 2015 dans la catégorie Hyundai par Brian Murphy2 (150 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
4 flashes means the unit is in valet mode (shut off). Press lock+unlock simultaneously to disable valet mode.
répondu Jan 7, 2015 par Robert T (304,010 points) worked.  Robert, Thx for the quick response.

After weeks of searching....I should have come here first.
No problem.

Page 13 of the user guide has the parking light flashing diagnostic. Here is a link since you do not have one. I think it's page 6 or 7 that talks about valet mode.