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Hello. I want to install autostart on 2024 SuperB. The brake pedal wire is located in the same place as in similar Volkswagens. When applying + to this wire, the brake light comes on... But it does not help with autostart. Is there another option?
posté depuis 5 jours dans la catégorie Skoda par G M (16,300 points)
ré-ouvertes depuis 4 jours par G M

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Do all 3 brake lights come on? If its only the 2 side markes come on the its then wrong brake wire.

Best regards.
répondu depuis 5 jours par derek g (357,470 points)
élue depuis 4 jours par G M
Yes, all 3 are lit. Just as they light up when you press the pedal, they also light up from this wire (if the ignition is on).
hhhhmmmmm should be the correct wire then, when you remote start it do all 3 brake lights come on? Does the dash light up?
Yes, it lights up, but nothing happens. I also try mechanically... I connect + on this wire, then I press the start-stop button, but only the ignition turns on...
I even got to the ABS in the bonnet space. I checked all the wires there. One wire (black and red) releases + when you press the pedal, but it didn't help me either. There are CAN wires there and probably the information is taken from them.
"I also try mechanically... I connect + on this wire, then I press the start-stop button, but only the ignition turns on..."

- You would need to have a smart key with the battery inside the vehicle. If this does not work then remote start wont work either because Fortin starts the car the same way, Fortin module sends + to brake then pulse the pts to turn car on.

Best regards.
Yes, the key is in the car, but it does not see the brakes from this wire. From the front (with ABS) with CAN-om gives information. And Fortin will not be able to simulate pressing the brake pedal via CAN?
are you using 61.32 fw? this car looks kinda like a jetta maybe? just skoda based
I'll have a look