Questions & Answers

2016 Jeep Renegade with EVO-All and t-harness, remote start doesnt stop.

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Everything works perfect, except the brake nor remote will kill engine.
posté Aout 21, 2021 dans la catégorie Jeep par David Robertson (130 points)

2 Réponses

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A few questions first to help me better understand and assist you with your issue:

- How are you trying to shut it down? With the OEM remote or after market?

- Is it a push button start or a regular key start?

- What is the S/N to the module? This is located on the back of the unit.


Best Regards.
répondu Aout 23, 2021 par derek g (336,040 points)
It is push button start. THAR-CHR7 T-harness. I am using the factory remote and myCar controls telemetry. I have reinstalled without the telemetry to confirm it is not the issue. SN 001A07 045581

When you try to shut it down via the oem remote, what do the lights on the evo-all do when pressing the lock-unlock-lock sequence?


If you sit in the car, remote start it, then WITHOUT pressing unlock or opening the door, you press and hold the brake pedal, what does the vehicle do?

I am not sure on the lights, I know they blink, but I can not remember the sequence. Sitting in the car works perfectly. My assumption was that anything else is making the device transmit they "key" making it think that the fob is available.
Brake shut down does not work if the module receives an unlock. So if you remote start it, unlock it then get in and hit the brake, its normal that the vehicle doesnt shut down. Since it recieved an unlock which is the "ok" signal for take over.


When you have the time, please observe the lights when trying to remote stop and then report back.


Best Regards.
0 votes

Assuming you are outside the vehicle with all doors closed and no key in the car while using the remote starter:

  • If you press unlock then open a door, the vehicle will not shut down. The <unlock> is what tells the evo you are not a thief. Pressing on the brake will shut down the starter, but the car will stay running. 
  • Without pressing unlock (so breaking into the car with out a proper key), the car should shut down once the door is open.


répondu Aout 23, 2021 par Robert T (299,950 points)
Ok so we remote started with someone inside it. It does shut down if they unlock and open. However, if this is normal, you may want to think of warning that it is like this. If someone unlocks the car to put something in it while it is warming up, the car is now vulnerable to theft. Additionally, we noticed 2 other issues. One the remote start does not time out. We remote started it and left it with no unlock or keys nearby and it ran for a solid hour before we shut it down. Secondly, and this maybe an issue with the jeep as I'm not sure how it could be related, every other time (or so) we remote start all the units of measurement in the car switch from imperial to metric. Kind of odd :)

However, if this is normal, you may want to think of warning that it is like this. If someone unlocks the car to put something in it while it is warming up, the car is now vulnerable to theft.

An option to this is to enable shut down on door open, option D3, in the unit. This will force the remote starter to shutdown all the time. This is common practice in the industry and why a lot OEM starters also shut down on door open.

It's also a tad bit the users responibility to relock his/her vehicle when leaving it unattended.


 Additionally, we noticed 2 other issues. One the remote start does not time out. We remote started it and left it with no unlock or keys nearby and it ran for a solid hour before we shut it down.

Never seen this. You will want to pay attention the the RED led. It's the indicator that says if the remote start is active or not. 


Secondly, and this maybe an issue with the jeep as I'm not sure how it could be related, every other time (or so) we remote start all the units of measurement in the car switch from imperial to metric. Kind of odd :)

Yes, it will do the same with your oem keys if you were to set the car up with key1 in imperial and key2 in metric. 

The EVO is programmed as a key to the car. The car is smart can recognize it as a new user. To fix this, with no other key near by, remote start the car and adjust the settings to what you want. Once done, shut down the car. This should force the vehicle to recognize the evo with it's new saved settings.
