Questions & Answers

Electric Parking Brake Light pops on after 15 sec in dash CX5 2017 Auto

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Hi its been a few CX5 that i did recently but for some reason this one has a problem. Evo-one with tharoneMaz3. Everything programmed fine, 3x lock works RF kit works parking light works. the only problem is after 15 seconds there in a yellow Electric Parking Brake light that comes on is cluster. Remote start or Key the light comes on.  I was not on when i got the car.  Also this is the first time i experience this trouble. I went to drive the car for 5-10 minutes also just to see if there was not some info missing because the battery was unplugged. And My scanner does not scan 2017 CX5.  Any ideas?
asked Dec 4, 2017 in Mazda by yannick polasek2 (1,950 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Cannot say I have ever seen this before, What is the service number to the module please?
answered Dec 5, 2017 by derek g (335,840 points)