Questions & Answers

Evo all thar GM2 Programming problem Dcryptor didt not complete

0 votes
2011 impala EVO-ALL THARGM2

Hook up serial cable press button blue led on red on yellow on blue with red on at the same time then blue again.

after connecting other connectors blue led is off press button blue led not ligting up

Ign in on position nothing lighting up.

Tried resetting evo a few times and starting from point 1 , same results.

Please help

asked Dec 26, 2014 in Chevrolet by hank jongman (400 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
What's the guide # you are following for installation ?
answered Dec 26, 2014 by hank jongman (85,210 points)
Firmware: 70.16        guide 23371
This guide is without a tharness. You problem is caused by the yellow wire that's not on ignition.
Yes there is constant 12 on yellow a1 , so which guide am i supposed to be using and what is the remedy.
after programming with the blue led, you also need to program the little TB-GM2 box