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2019 mx5 rf compatibility and GPIO custom CAN frame questions.

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the 2019 mx5 rf ND2 have the newer 2020+ pcm and different software than the previous 2016+ mx5s, but have the older 2016+ small keyfob, not the newer 2020+ big keyfob. Is the 2019 mx5 rf  supported?

I have built an integrated roof control system with a microcontroller in C++ and would like to build a keyfob remote start/ roof and window control system application. I'm an electrical engineer and have built engine management/ wiring harnesses and have worked with CANbus previuosly and am famillier with the mx5 wiring and multiplex communication.

how many GPIOs are available that are not used and are they programable? any ADCs? what are the specs on them max voltage and current?

Are custom CAN frames able to be integrated?

is possible to get code level access to complie a custom application? or if I help develope the application can the code be brought into the IU?

Please email me if we should we take the discussion offline.
asked May 25, 2023 in Mazda by David Strain (160 points)

1 Answer

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Fortin supports both the 2019 and 2020 mazda miata.


For remote start using the OEM remote you would need the following parts:

1- evo-one

2- thar-one-maz3

3- flash link updater

4- optional rf kit or telematics device.

The corresponding installation & programming guides to the products listed can be found in the vehicle specific links above.


The evo-one has 1 dedicated (-) Aux output.

It is the yellow black wire on the 20 pin connector. It can be configured as described in option 25 of the evo-one manual.


The software and firmware used on Fortin products is proprietary and does not accept custom can frames or custom applications.

If such things are desired such as custom intergration from a company, normally you/the company would want to reach out to a Fortin disitributor or sales representative to inqure into the time and fee's associated to new product development & research & development.

Best regards.
answered May 25, 2023 by derek g (358,130 points)
Thanks for the reply Derek.

a few more Questions.

are all the function and modes listed in the install guide available on every model or are they limited according to car model.

ex:  is function18 desiel mode 5 available on a 2019 mazda mx5?

how is function 25 or function 34 differentiated being the same wire?

can the trunk release/AUX be set with a different sequence of lock/ unlock than used to start? or is the trunk release/ AUX only triggered with an additional one press of the lock only after the lock/lock/lock start sequence?

I have a trunk release button on my fob. wll that affect use of the trunk release/aux output functionality in the firmware?

with your response I have enough information make the decision to move forward and get a system for development, I can do the other IO and CAN reading stuff for roof and window control with a piggybacked micro controller initially if I have a controlable output from the keyfob via the evo-one. once I have all the can frame info and additional harnesses developed I'll use the above contact to develope a final product that I can support.
are all the function and modes listed in the install guide available on every model or are they limited according to car model.

- The 39 options you see in the generic guide are part of the base fw in the evo-one. Supported functions are entierly based on the year make and model of the vehicle being worked on.

- vehicle specific supported features/functions are found on page 1 of the vehicle specific installation/programming guide, ex:

- The aux or trunk outputs that you can program can only be controlled via a supported rf kit or smart phone app. The outputs do not work with the oem remote.


Hope this helps and best of luck on the project,


Best regards.

hi Derek.

"- The aux or trunk outputs that you can program can only be controlled via a supported rf kit or smart phone app. The outputs do not work with the oem remote."

so the smart phone app can remote start and trigger aux? is it available to US market?

otherwise once I have the vehicle started I can do the roof control simply listening for the remote CAN frames so no integration ncesssary at this point for development. (I already have a CAN integrated microcontroller controlling the roof, so just a leap of code at this point) but extra button presses on the oe fob.

can I get all this remote start funcationality with the evo-all?

It isn't clear from the description type in the comparison columns. For Evo-all "The module will manage the remote starter functions". "manage" is a poor word choice without clarification. "The module will manage the EVOSTART module remote starter functions" would be a better description if it doesn't do it on it's own.

thanks again for your time, I suspect this project will drive quite a few fortin system sales either through me or my experience.

"so the smart phone app can remote start and trigger aux? is it available to US market?"

- yes, supported apps/modules in the U.S. would be the Carlink or the Smart start 550.

"can I get all this remote start funcationality with the evo-all?"

- The evo-all offers 0 Aux outputs.


Best regards.