Questions & Answers

evo-gmt1 no red light no start

0 votes
2011 buick regal  evo-gmt1 sn001A07v253955 . Blue light flashes with door lock / unlock . oem remotes. no red light , no start. thar-gm1 rev2 harness. what is the correct wiring diagram ? at the moment brown wire to can sw pin 1.   brown with white stripe to green /gray parking lights . cannot get ahold of tech
asked Dec 12, 2022 in Buick by Eric McClish (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The EVO was never updated, it is still at default 1.01 production firmware.
answered Dec 12, 2022 by Robert T (299,500 points)
i did the update with the flash link

the car was selected, but the "update to" button was never pressed after settings were loaded. 


It said it was completed