Questions & Answers

'17 Camry H Key - Remote Unlock not working while engine running

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I installed the Evo One Kit with the TOY-4 harness on an H key '17 Camry today and mostly everything seems to be working.  I'm using the OEM remote.  The only issue is after I triple press the lock key to start the vehicle, I can't use the remote to unlock the doors.  I thought everything was programmed properly but apparently not.  How should I resolve this issue?
asked Feb 21, 2022 in Toyota by D D (130 points)

1 Answer

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You must interupt the tpms wire as shown in the guide for the oem remote to work when the engine is remote started.
answered Feb 21, 2022 by derek g (358,230 points)
I'm not sure how to do that.  I ran the TPMS wire from the passenger side and connected it to both D4 and D6.  I wasn't sure what was meant where the guide says "cut" between the TPMS line and D4 and D6 though.  By interrupt, you mean that I'm only supposed to connect the TPMS wire to D6 only?  How exactly should these wires be connected to properly interrupt the TPMS wire?  This part of the guide is confusing.
cut the yellow on the plug and then connect D6 on the connector side cut and the D4 on the harness side on the cut
Thanks for the input!  I jus figured that out a bit ago when I did some more reaearch.  Does the orientation of the D4 and D6 cables matter?  Because on the guide, it seems like it's the opposite of what you've said.
Simply follow the guide and you will be ok.