Questions & Answers

EVo-One not detected by the flashlink updater

+3 votes
I have got the Evo-One for my 2019 Mazda CX-9. The module has been programmed. The module is not detected by the manager after I unplugged from the vehicle and decryptor again. It stops at 10% when fetching options every time. What did I do wrong? Please help!
asked Jun 12, 2020 in Mazda by Kelvin Liu (160 points)
edited Jun 12, 2020 by Kelvin Liu

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the s/n to the evo?
answered Jun 15, 2020 by derek g (358,230 points)
I'm having this same issue with a Mazda3
I'm having the same issue with a Mazda3
i'm having the same issue, was there any resolution to this issue?
If it's crashing when options are trying to load, you will need to follow the Remote Starter reset procedure. It's on page 2 of this example generic guide under the section, "ERASES ALL REMOTES THAT HAVE BEEN PROGRAMMED AND RESETS ALL FUNCTIONS BACK TO DEFAULT."
hi, referring to installtion link above... i have similar issue 10% pause and stop

I do not have access to the car to push the brake. so how do i clear the evo-on and erase everything so i can use it for another car.  There has to be a way to reset this unit without a car.  please help



model evo-one 10/2021

s/n 002B04 233714