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2011 Ford Focus Won't Program

0 votes
Hi, 2011 Ford Focus, EVO-ALL w/Fort 1 harness, stand alone and 2 original factory keys. Updated module to latest firmware prior to programming. Began programming process, hold program button-plug in black connector-release when red LED is on. Insert 1st key (yellow LED turns on) removed key, insert 2nd key (red LED stays on, no yellow LED), removed key, press program button within 5 seconds, red LED stays on and ignition does NOT turn on. Tried several times, won't complete programming. Went through troubleshooting with Flashlink Manager to no avail. I successfully installed a Fortin starter on a 2009 Ford Escape recently. Not sure what I am missing here. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
asked Oct 27, 2019 in Ford by Bill Gordon (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Follow the 1-key programming with dcryptor instead of the 2 key programming.
answered Oct 28, 2019 by Robert T (299,500 points)
Thanks Robb, finally had a chance to work on it today. The 1 key programming with dcryptor took care of the programming issue. Starter works like a charm now. Appreciate the help!
excellent. If 1 key programming worked, chances are those are not 2 master keys or Spare Key Programming is not ebaled in the BCM. Doesn't matter though, system is up running now!