Questions & Answers

Activation code that came with EVO-ONE worked for only a day

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I got an activation code with an EVO-ONE that I purchased and was able to get access for my vehicle...for one day.  When I try again today it is locked again.  How do I get back into it?
asked May 22, 2019 in Wirecolor by Scott Huhn (190 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
As stated once entered and as also indicated by the big green count down timer that appears once used...the code expires after 48 hours.
answered May 22, 2019 by derek g (358,230 points)
That is really not useful since there is nothing on the activation card that states it is only good for 48 hours.  Even if I had noticed the timer, there is nothing to warn you prior to entering the code.  I just went in to check it out, I was not ready to install the EVO-ONE.
send an e-mail to with the vehicle make model year and trim, we will help you out.
0 votes

if you only need the installation guide it<s available on

answered May 22, 2019 by Robert T (304,010 points)