Questions & Answers

will OEM remotes still work with RF kit installed

0 votes
I'm looking to add the EVO-ONE to my 2018 Sequoia with the RF kit for the extended range.

on days I am trying to keep things at a minimum in my pockets, will the OEM remote still

start and lock/unlock the vehicle?  I do not want to get the RF kit if the OEM remotes cease to work.

i did not have the RF kit on my Tundra and I needed it many times.
asked Apr 30, 2018 in Toyota by Mark Riggs (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes the OEM remote can remote start and lock/unlock the vehicle as long as the correct options are enabled in the unit for it to do so.
answered May 1, 2018 by derek g (348,060 points)

What option will that be for EVO ONE and RFK422 kit ?