Questions & Answers

Inquiries about the 2010 Chrysler 300c expression Installation

0 votes
Hi I live in Korea and have a 2010 Chrysler 300c.
Your "evo - chrt4" I want to install on the vehicle.
But it is way too complex wiring is too difficult to own.
Connections Or ask if you have a photo or video support.
Help ..`.
Please look forward to hearing good news, then trouble.
I wish good luck to you
asked Nov 10, 2015 in Chrysler by yoo kook seung (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
No video is available. The EVO-CHRT4 is actually the simplest installation. Take a good look at the installation guide, you would only wire what is oultined in connection C.
answered Nov 12, 2015 by Robert T (299,600 points)