Questions & Answers

2009 Toyota Camry bypass immobilizer recomendation

+1 vote

I'm installing a remote starter into a 2009 Toyota Camry.

Which unit will you recommend for this car to act as an immobilizer bypass,

I'd pick Evo-All, but it doesn't control anything thru the CanBus (except for acting as an immobilizer), so I'm debating between Evo-Key or Evo-Ride?

asked Jan 20, 2015 in Toyota by M B (490 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

EVO-KEY, EVO-RIDE or KEY-OVERRIDE-ALL. Any of those really, KEY-OVERRIDE being the oldest and what was actually used in that vehicle in 2009.


Sounds odd, but the EVO-ALL may be able to offer some CAN-Bus features like the 2010 with the latest firmware but it was never tested in 2009. So it's a big maybe here, which is why we don;t mention it on the website.

answered Jan 20, 2015 by Robert T (304,010 points)
Right, if it was my car, I'd take the plunge and experiment ;-)

But if there is no difference, I'd go with Evo-Ride, it's just cheaper.
