Questions & Answers

Are my setting correct for 2018 f150 standalone installation

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Are my settings correct for standalone installation 3xlock using thar for3 t harness? Regular key, i turned on push to start option will key start work with that option turned on? Is hood switch jumper mandatory?
posté Aout 21, 2018 dans la catégorie Ford par julio pelayo (1,650 points)

1 Réponse

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Turn off D6 if your vehicle is not push-to-start you do not turn that on.


Jumping the hood pin is mandatory if your vehicle is not equipped with an OEM hood pin.


When you pop the hood does your dash display hood ajar? If so then you dont need to jump it. If not, then you do need to jump it.
répondu Aout 21, 2018 par derek g (347,230 points)
élue Aout 21, 2018 par julio pelayo