Questions & Answers

Auto Lock Doors After Remote Start - Honda Pilot 2014

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Evo One. When remote start with 3X "Lock" on FOB, the doors will UNlock, and engine remote start. That is fine.  However, the doors remain UNlocked, even after 30 seconds of remote idling.   We have to press LOCK on the FOB a 4th time to lock doors, while remote idling.           Did a Master Reset, then set"

1.   6.3   Lock after Remote start

2.    24.4   Turn off engine when foot brake is pressed    (FYI: which does not work, but it did enable "press LOCK on FOB 3 times to kill engine" when remote idling - which I thnk is better than foot brake kill anyhow.)

3.    32.3   Blue Wire (grounded)

4.    38.2  Enable 3X lock for remote start.

As  side note, replaced Engine Battery right before Evo One install, thus lost all Honda "Custom" setting I enabled via dash knobs a coule years ago, such as auto lock after 30 seconds, if door is not opened.  In other words, maybe Evo One cannot re-lock, unless I enabe custom Honda Settings via my dash???
posté Fev 8, 2017 dans la catégorie Honda par john Adock (210 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Looking ath the options looks like something happend to the module. All options are greyed out which can be seen here:


I would suggest doing a master reset on both sides of the module and the re program and re enable only the options shown in the installation guide.

Once this is done re test the module.
répondu Fev 8, 2017 par derek g (357,630 points)
OK done.  But no change.    After no change, I enabled "lock after start". NO change again.  So enabled "lock 30 seconds after unlock if door not opened" change.     Of course, I can press the FOB a 4th time to lock manually.  

    If it helps any:   if the door remains unlocked after remote start, the foot brake will not kill engine.   Either have to wait 15 minutes, or press LOCK on FOB 3 times.    IF I manually lock doors via FOB after remote start, then foot break will kill engine.   THus the software is taking 2 different paths for engine kill, depending if door is locked or unlocked after remote start.   Remnds me of Ladder Logic programing.
Turn OFF option 6.2 in the remote starter.

Turn ON option A1 through A11 in the bypass.


At this point your module still is not congiured properly and is more than likely the cause of your locking issues.