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2016 Ford Focus regular key will not program - tried 2 keys and decrypter

0 votes
Have a 2016 Ford Focus regular SA key. Got it all hooked up and it will not program the evo-all as a 3rd key. Ive done the 2 key programming at least 10 times. Reset the unit, resaved the options. Tried decrypter 3x with one key. It will not program... Is it possible that the RX / TX wires are incorrect in the guide for this car? I've done a directed DBALL2 on same year car before, no problems programming it, but the install is pain in the ass. Out of 30 remote starts Ive done in past couple months I've never had this problem. I've double checked the connection at the immobilzer. LT BLUE/BLACK and LT BLUE. Everything is good. The keysense wire checks out perfectly. When I do 2 key programming at the step where I press the button on the evo-all. RED and BLUE blink few times, then red goes solid. CAN-BUS then shows good with the flashing blue light. Try remote start and it says of course no key detected. What the hell am I missing?
posté Jan 22, 2017 dans la catégorie Ford par Mike Payne (490 points)

2 Réponses

+2 votes
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Looking at the service number it does appear as though the module has dcryptred.

Are you still having issues programming?
répondu Jan 23, 2017 par derek g (357,930 points)
élue Jan 23, 2017 par derek g
Yes, it still will not remote start. Key not detected message. I tried it again this morning wih pulling the red connector like suggested. Still doesn't work. No idea what to do now.
Turn OFF option D2 and then re test.
NOW IT STARTS!!! THAT WORKS! Now what about the factory alarm?
The factory alarm? Does it go off when you start the car?
I think the lock from the remote turns it off.. Worse case I can tell customer he needs to unlock then start car.
Does it go off when you start the car?
So Im a techical guy working in offline repair at a Toyota factory. What exactly is happening there? Sending a disarm, unlock and a lock command to close together? And pressing lock 3 times on the door will also start the car is that normal?
No ford vehicles do not dis arm with just unlock and there is no disarm wire.

Newer ford disarm with ignition, accessory and transponder codes.
For 2012 Ford Fusion Hybrid, I had to enable D2 to get it to start and turn off the alarm.  Otherwise, the alarm would just go off.
+1 vote

I had this same issue today with a 2012 Ford Fusion.  Neither procedure worked.  I found another post in the Fortin Q&A that worked for me, but I can't find the post now.  However, the solution was the following:

  • Follow the non-Dcrypter procedure instructions as written, but don't connect the red connector when you connect everything else.  Turn Key #1 and Key #2.
  • Before the step that you push the EVO programming button to start the car to complete the programming, connect the red connector and then press the buton once.  The remaining steps should complete as expected.

I'll post the link to the other Q&Q post if I find it again.  Good luck!

répondu Jan 23, 2017 par shigadeyo (210 points)
  1. Just tried that three times. Does the same exact thing. I'm lost. If can't figure it out soon I'll have give my customer back his car. Funny was done with the car in hour and half. Spent 5 hours trying to program it. DEI was a pain in the ass to install all those wires through the glovebox. But programming took maybe less than a minute. Unfortunately the other brands won't do 3x lock to start. I like the Fortin cause it has this option. The others I think it looks stupid carrying two remotes and this customer on a budget so smartstart is out. So I sold him the Fortin. Doing several 2015 focus cars with non problem I thought this one wouldn't be much different. I noticed that the immobilizer connector is different than previous -15 models but all the colors in the Fortin guide were right. Any other ideas?
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