Questions & Answers

Evo-all and Prestige PE2RELCD RF Kit

0 votes
Using evo-all with prestige pre2reled rf kit and avxdata adaptor

Set-up as standalone with t-harness. H4 FLRF option turned on for rf kit

Start/Stop, Lock, Unlock works but if unlocked using rf kit remote the factory alarm goes off.

Evo-all Service#- 001A06 595583
posté Nov 20, 2016 dans la catégorie Ford par Jesse Hir (680 points)
modifié Nov 20, 2016 par Jesse Hir

1 Réponse

0 votes
Turn on option D5, the ignition will turn on for a second before unlocking to disarm the factory alarm.
répondu Nov 20, 2016 par Jesse Hir (85,210 points)
You must mean A5?  Thats strange.., i've installed other rf kits on these fords and this one is the only one that has caused this problem.

Is it maybe a Prestige or AVXData box problem?

Also the run time on the remote shows 1hr run time even though the evo is programmed for 15min. Can't find any info on these rf kits to set/adjust that on the remote.
Yes sorry A5 must be ON to disarm the oem alarm. If other vehicle you did doesn't have the oem alarme you didn't have the problem.

You would have to contact Prestige for the runtime issue...