Questions & Answers

Is EVOALL compatible with Viper 5105v D2D or should I go W2W

0 votes
2012 Ram 1500 Standard Key. I have the Viper 5105v and EVOALL and tried connecting them D2D. Nothing is working. Are there any other wires that need connecting? Is this setup D2D compatible?
posté Dec 19, 2022 dans la catégorie Ram par Bobby Washington (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Option F3 in the EVO-ALL for D2D protocol. Tach may need to wired between both units.
répondu Dec 19, 2022 par Robert T (302,210 points)
5105v and EVO ALL wired and programmed. F3 option enabled. Doors, Lights, Alarm works. Remote start does not engage. When pressing the remote start button nothing happens