Questions & Answers

Yellow, blue and red lights keep flashing when I plug evo-all in.

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Flash unit using flash-link via PC. Even tried reset,.same outcome. SN: 001 A07 214660 Flash successfully. Status light change when trying ti program, but does not take program correctly.
posté Avr 12, 2021 dans la catégorie Mazda par Jaime Penaranda (190 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What step in the programming process does not work?


Is this being installed in a 2018 mazda cx-9?
répondu Avr 13, 2021 par derek g (358,230 points)
Yes being installed on 2018 mazda cx-9. Using a Fortin THAR-MAZ1 T-harness. Data immobilizer (light blue/ wire) connected to pin#8 of 32 pin connector. Door data (light blue wire) connected to pin #9 of the 32 pin harness

What step in the programming process does not work?

Only thing remote start only. Went thru the whole programming process and it seem to program correctly. Plugged in the unit and got all 3 lights flashing. Based on what I read this means unit wasn't flashed or programmed. Resetted the module, reflashed then attempted to program unit again. Start the key programming, get solid blue light, press ignition 2x with key on ignition buttom, status light turns to yellow but does not return to blue after turning ignition off. All status light go off after turning off ignition for 1st key.
With this install, once you go through the programming you cant just start over.


I would suggest calling in when you have the vehicle and module on hand so we can go through whats been done and address the situation from there.

