Questions & Answers

2008 scion tc/evo one ftx641w

+1 vote

hi,i have few questions that im having issues with my 2008 scion Tc A/T 
EVO-ONE SERICE# 002B07 164975
fortin ftx64-1W remote
ive already connected pretty much all wires needed i believe, i can remote start the car,antenna led is blinking,horn responds when unlock/lock button is press,but doors does NOT lock or unlock, i do have the purple & purple/white connected to the proper wires on the vehicle. Also i did turned on unlock/lock before and after remote start and driver side will unlock before remote start but will NOT lock after, also have the lock after foot brake and unlock when ignition is shut off programmed but door locks also doesnt respond to it.
and lastly alarm does NOT trigger,im inside vehicle arms vehicle wait a few sec then i manually unlock door and open but the alarm does NOT trigger,the only time it works is when i press the panic button.
when unlocking the doors with the factory keys i have to hit unlock button twice for all doors to unlock.not sure how that will work with rf kit remote.
also on i notice theres wires for door pin FL(orange) and door pin FR(blue) on the vehicle, but i don't know which wires will i connect from the evo module to those wires if is needed.

please get back to me asap
thank you very much 

posté Mai 8, 2017 dans la catégorie Scion par Edrice Iraola (1,090 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Turn off the following options in the bypass: B1, C1 & D2. C1 and B1 arent supported on your vehicle. and D2 is only needed if the vehicle has a factory alarm. Also you already turned on option 6.2 wich does the same thing. If your vehicle has no factory alarm (which it sounds like ti doesnt) turn this option off as well.

As for as the lock wires....seeing this is a toyota you will want 8.2 in the remote starter for double pulse on the unlock other wise it will only unlock 1 door or in some cases unlock no doors and only dis arm the vehicle.

Have you tested to see if when you press lock or unlock their is a negative pulse comming out of purple or purple/white?

Have you tested the wires in the vehicle? If you pulse them with a negative does the vehicle lock/unlock?

You should also have option 20.2 turned on for tachless only. you currently have option 20.6 this will not work.

As far as the alarm not triggering if you did not hook up the door trigger wire it will not go off. Along with horn as well that way you can hear it going off. If you did hook this wire up...I would suggest testing the wire you connected it to because it does not sound like it is working properly.
répondu Mai 8, 2017 par derek g (336,040 points)
Sometimes instead of long threads it is easier to give us a call toll free when you are in the car and a few simple tests and option changes can get your issue resolved. Up to you.

Toll Free: 1-877-336-7797
In turn off those options that you mentioned.

as for the door trigger wires,which wires do I use from the evo module?

also horn is connected fine I've tested it.

also tested tested the unlock/lock wires and it's working fine.

Negative door status input wire on the evo-one is the pink/black wire on the 20 pin connector.

Glad you got the rest sorted out.
There's only 1 wire from the 20pin?

On there's 2 wires -blue and - orange for the F/L and F/R door.


Correct so split the wire and connect it to both.
No cutting wires right?so just basically connect the pink/black wire from 20pin and tap it to both the door trigger wire?thanks
Thank you very much,,I'll update when all are good
Finally got the chance to redo everything but still no go,,I followed everything that I mentioned above,but I still can't get the doors to lock with Fortin remote(oem remote works fine) also when trying to remote start,red led on module blinks then stays solid,no cranking at all but dash lights turns on it just doesn't even crank.
How are you testing the doorlock wires in the vehicle and the doorlock wires of the Evo-All?
I tested it by grounding it using a test light and also hitting the lock/unlock buttons on door. I have the Evo-One
1. Be sure to press only 0.5 sec on the lock or unlock buttons. Holding it too long sends other commands


2. Did you connect the Lock and Unlock wires? I see mention of door trigger wires in the above comments but no mention of connecting the actual lock-unlock wires


3. The door triggers should ideally be connected with diodes in order to isolate both door triggers. (so when you open door 1 , the car doesnt also see door 2  open).
Ok I will try and add diode,and yes both unlock/lock wires are connected
Btw what is the proper amp/voltage diode do I need?thanks
1A/50V should be fine, 1N4001 fits these specifications