Questions & Answers

cruze 2010 lt can not start

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Hello I bought EVO-ALL CANBUS for my car cruise 2010  automatic the installation by THAR-GM WITHOUT DATALINK and i do  DCRYPTOR of the device according to catalog and i connect the wires ( open and lock the doors , foot brake , the hand brake to BCM not to EVO - and wire Ground While Running DK-BLUE with my after market Remote. olso i wire the IGN , ACC and START wires described in the catalog.  my problem is when i plug the wire Ground While Running DK-BLUE with the wire comming from the remote the RED LED on the EVO turnd on directly  and the security led in the car turned on and Ignition turns On, but never Starts/Cranks . so i need to know where the problem  notes ( i did not know if my THAR-GM1 is GM1 OR GM1V2 )  but when i see the wires in the RED connector there is no light blue/black wire in it . thanks

posté Mar 15, 2016 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Mohamed gamal (160 points)

1 Réponse

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The -GWR should only be active when remote starting. If it is always on then there is a problem with your remote starter.

Also on GM vehicles accessory must drop at crank, Maybe you remote starter is not dropping accessory? Perhaps the wire used is not configured as accessory? You would have to look in your remote start manual to find this out.

The T-Harness itself will have a tag that reads either gm1 or gm1v2 that is how you will know.

There is no wire in the red connector. Why were you asking about this wire? Both the light blue and are on the 20 pin connector. Lt.Blue is used for negative parking lights.

If you followed connection B You should have cut the white and blue wires from the data link and hard wired all the respective wires according to the installation guide such as:

-foot brake, -tach, -hand brake, -lock/unlock, -start input etc...
répondu Mar 15, 2016 par derek g (336,040 points)

i have check what you say and all of this are ok and the problem still there , and i tray to ground the BK-Blue wire to the body of the car the red led turn on and try to start the car but without cranking is this is normal or i have mistake in the installation or programming. plz help

Does accessory drop during crank?

Also as previously asked why are you inquiring about the wire? there is no mention of this wire in the installation.

Also have you tried updating the module to the latest firmware and reprogramming it?
yes the acc drop during crank

and i flashed the module to last update

for lt blue/black i asked for it becouse i want to know if my thar-gm is gm1 or gm1 v2 becouse i didnot find it in my red connector wires

i just test the wires now again the ACC flash once and turn off the IGN turn on always, the START flash once and turn off

i think the wires is ok

my problem in in the ground bk-blue this wire when i connect it with any ground wire (remote wire or body car ) the red led turn on directory and try to start the car one even if i didn't click the remote button

and i found the door trigger didn't work normally it shows that the doors are open always

for lt blue/black i asked for it becouse i want to know if my thar-gm is gm1 or gm1 v2 becouse i didnot find it in my red connector wires

the GM1 has a light blue/black wire going from the evo 20-pin connector directly to the red 6-pin connector. You would see it since it loops from one connector to another.

GM1v2 typically says V2 on the back of the sticker.

I am pretty sure you have the right harness.


This is your current setup:

  • please turn off option E2 - Run Status
  • also, try without having the Accessory wire of the remote starter connected.


This install can be test with only the evo and very easy to test. Basically, test the EVO as if it were installed per Stand Alone mode.

1- Turn ON option D1-STand Alone Remote Starter

2- Turn ON option C1-OEM Remote Monitoring

3- plug evo back in vehicle and try remote starting by either pressing 3xlock from the oem remote or by grounding the yellow/black wire from the 20-pin conenctor.

the car start ok with the oem remote 
 my problem in the after market remote the ground bk-blue this wire when i connect it with the bypass wire in remote the red led turn on directory and try to start the car once even if i did not click the remote button
and i found the door trigger didn't work normally it shows that the doors are open always


note i have 2 way lcd chinese remote plz help me
If the red led is turning on when you connect the evo ground-while-running to the remote starter grounding running, this means the rmeote starter is outputting a ground a signal. Maybe it's on the wrong wirre of the rmeote starter? I would contact the manufacturer of the rmeote starter to see why their ground-while running is grounded when your remote starter is not even activated.