Questions & Answers

how to reset dcryptor after number of tries?

0 votes
Hi, so after a few attempts at programming an evo all for a volkswagon jetta with no luck, i have managed to not be able to program the evo all using the dcryptor, i get a message saying " dcryptor limite has been reached for this car. ", basically its telling me that after a number of tries it will no longer send the info to the module. Is there a way of resetting this?
asked Nov 21, 2016 in Volkswagen by steve capitao (600 points)
edited Nov 21, 2016 by steve capitao

2 Answers

0 votes
What's the service number on the module ?
answered Nov 21, 2016 by steve capitao (85,210 points)
sorry, this is the correct service number#001A06 246863
0 votes
sorry, the correct service number is #001A0626863
answered Nov 22, 2016 by steve capitao (600 points)