Questions & Answers

EVO ALL: Turn off foot-brake engine kill option

0 votes
Is there an option to turn off the foot-brake engine kill. Everything works fine otherwise.
asked Aug 11, 2019 in Nissan by Alex Nguyen (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Doing that is very dangerous and should not be done.


This will casue your car to die on the road while driving as you will be running on the remote starters run time. Once the run time expires, your car shuts down....
answered Aug 12, 2019 by derek g (336,040 points)
I would just prefer for it to be closer to OEM remote starts. In most OEM's, you remote start the car and then when you get in, you press the brake and push the start button. I'm so used to pressing the brake before the start button that I end up shutting off the car pretty much every time I use it.