Questions & Answers

Hyundai Santa Fe

+1 vote
can this one activate auto door lock function when i start moving or after i started the engine, the door will lock automatically?

is this has shock sensor that will triger my alarm for a short time?

2014 Hyundai Santa Fe, 2.2L, CRDI, A/T (no auto door lock function and no shock sensor/alarm)
asked Nov 27, 2015 in Hyundai by Vismarc Crispino (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Which product?


Assuming the EVO-ONE...

The evo-one has an option you can enable for ignition controlled door locks

  • ignition on + brake will lock doors
  • igntion OFF unlocks doors

A shock sensor does not come with the EVO-ONE but you can add one. 

answered Nov 28, 2015 by Robert T (299,600 points)