Questions & Answers

2016 Transit Connect wagon Remote Start

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Want to buy stand alone remote start for 2016 Ford Transit  Connect Wagon key start. What do I need ? Is it the EVOFORT 1 ?
asked Nov 12, 2015 in Ford by Geoblaz (190 points)

1 Answer

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The 2016 is not listed on our site, it may be different from the 2015. You should confirm it is the same as a 2015 first. Even then the codes in the vehicle may have changed as well. If you decided to try it you would require the Evo-FORT1 which is a evo-all and the t-harness for your vehicle. You would also need the flash link updater 2 to enable the proper options for your vehicle to perform the stand alone 3x lock.
answered Nov 12, 2015 by derek g (336,040 points)
edited Nov 12, 2015 by derek g
But just to re-itterate we have not yet seen the 2016. I cannot tell you it will work. It may be different.
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